5 Steps to Position Yourself As An Agent Of Change

If you have good ideas that you want implemented at your workplace, executive coach Wendy Nakamura offers these ways to position yourself as an agent of change.
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1. Start with Trust

Serving as a change agent requires leadership, and leadership begins with trust. If you ask others to try something new, to take a risk, they will only follow if they have confidence in you. Confidence that you have the organization’s best interests at heart. Confidence that you will speak and act with truth and integrity. Invest early in relationships with those who will ultimately make the change happen; it will pay off in the long run.

2. Tell the Story

Change usually requires a personal mind shift and a willingness to learn new behaviors, for you and others impacted by the change. Clearly communicate why this change is important and what the future will look like. Help others define their roles in the change and how they will contribute to success. Tell the story simply and consistently.

3. Don’t Do It Alone

To create sustained improvement you will need allies to champion and hard-wire changes throughout your organization. You want ambassadors for change who will persevere with you.

4. Learn by Listening

Pay attention, especially when others challenge or oppose the change. In fact, seek such input and thank people for speaking out. Such challenges may reveal pitfalls you’ve overlooked. And letting others voice their concerns fosters goodwill and mutual understanding.

5. Empower Others

Change often creates anxiety and doubt. Build up the people responsible for implementing the change by giving them as much control as possible. Help them learn what they need to be successful, so they, too, can become agents of change.


Photo Courtesy of Wendy Nakamura

Wendy Nakamura
Leadership Consultant & Coach
Foresight Leadership Development

Categories: 5 Steps